


EMPOWERMENT through equity.


Our Mission

We promote joy, respect and understanding across cultures via social media while providing coaching and consultancy services to communities in need.

What we do


The ideal choice for current & aspiring DEIBJ professionals, students, and educational leaders. Whatever our client's needs are, we seek to meet them.

Questions? Feel free to contact us and enquire if you are unsure if this is the right fit for you! Learn more

In-Person & online Enrichment

Ideal for institutions, corporations, nonprofits. Online and In-Person professional enrichment tailored to the needs of your employees and or professional team.

Please feel encouraged to contact us and enquire if you are unsure if this is the right fit for you!

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Planning & Design

Strategic development and implementation of initiatives, programs, policies, and structures aimed at fostering a culture of wellness and advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion within organizations.

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Ukashah “Kash” Shabazz

Our Founder, Resident Life Coach & DEIBJ Practitioner

A forward-thinking Wellness and Equity consulting firm.

A Touchstone is a person, place, thing or idea that cements ones identity in truth and joy and reaffirms an individual’s cultural experience.

Shabazz is not only our Founder’s surname, in Arabic it means “a people mighty and glorious”. This is what Shabazz Touchstone seeks to nurture in all our clients, whether they be institutions or individuals, cultivating the beauty and power of people.

At Shabazz Touchstone we center ourselves around our customers’ experience, health and happiness.

We provide information, champion equity and promote joy through media, research, consultation, planning & traditional individual and group coaching grounded in clinical counseling practice.

WHo we are

Our Why

We seek to destigmatize the relationship between wellness and cultural and identity based practices.

To make learning and access to cultural wellness free via social media while providing institutions and individuals services to improve their personal relationships with DEIBJ and Wellness.